Tuesday, June 12, 2007

[LOWONGAN] Action Script Flash Developer dan Graphic Designer

Max-Studio.net, perusahaan pembuat games dan aplikasi mobile membutuhkan

Action Script Flash Developer *

1. Mengusai tools seperti flash / photoshop.
2. Mengusai action script programming.
3. Mengusai dasar-dasar OOP
4. Pendidikan min. D3
5. Mau belajar untuk hal-hal baru.
6. Dapat berkerjasama dalam team dan mampu berkerja keras.

Graphic Designer *

1. Bisa menggambar dengan baik 2D
2. Bisa mendesain websiste
3. Mengusai tools seperti flash / photoshop / illustrator.
4. Pendidikan min SMK
5. Mau belajar untuk hal-hal baru.
6. Dapat berkerjasama dalam team dan mampu berkerja keras.

Kontrak selama 3 sampai 6 bulan (full time).

Ricky Suryo Utomo, Email: ricky@max-studio.net
Kukuh TW, email : kukuh@max-studio.net

Attachment Terlampir:
1. CV
2. Pas Photo 6x4 (Scan Image)
3. Portfolio

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

ITS Game Technology Class

At Saturday 2 June 2007, I was invited by DIKNAS to speak in front of Game Technology Student (S2-Master Degree) at ITS.

Class started at 10.30 WIB with around 30 students inside. I shared about our team experienced when we developed our product.

We talked about a lot of thing and mostly about business side at this industry, even there some guys asked technical thing about how to made games? Engine we are using? And how stepping activity of production? and soon...

This class over at almost 15.00 WIB.. I think. It was spend pretty much time but I don’t realized because the situation so well and interaction so interested.